Health the Wound Log0


Molmike Medical

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

How Does NPWT Work | How To Choose

Negative pressure wound therapy uses suction, tubing, and wound dressing to remove excess exudate and any infectious material that may be present in the wound. It provides an ideal and clean environment to promote wound healing in acute or chronic wounds and second- and third-degree burns. 

Offering significant clinical benefits for large, chronic wounds and acute, complicated wounds, negative pressure wound therapy is used by healthcare teams and wound care specialists to support faster-wound healing.

Choosing an NPWT system can be complicated, here we offer some guidance. 

Step 1. Exudate Levels

What level of exudate is the wound showing?
Heal The Wound Low
Heal The Wound Antimicrobial Gauze Medium
Heal The Wound Antimicrobial Gauze

Consider the VivereX, continue to Step 2.

Low to medium exudate wounds are best suited to a sNPWT device like the VivereX 

Consider the Carilex, continue to Step 3.

A tNPWT device with powerful suction like the Carilex can handle higher exudate wounds

Step 2. Where is the wound?

Most low to medium-exudate wounds can be managed by the original VivereX*.  Wounds in more bony areas may benefit from the new VivereX soft port.

If in any doubt, please call our Negative Pressure Consultant who can guide you on the best device depending on placement. 

Bony Prominences

Use the soft port VivereX to ensure minimal

Non Bony Prominences

All other areas can use the original VivereX 

Step 3. Wound Size?

Will the wound fit under the available dressing?
Note: We recommend you choose a dressing size slightly larger than the wound, this will ensure the peri-wound area also benefits from the negative pressure.

VivereX Dressings Available:

Size VivereX VivereX Soft Port
10 x 20cm
16 x 16cm
21 x 21cm
16 x 21cm
16 x 31cm

Carilex Dressings Available:

Size Carilex Dressings
10 x 20 cm
21 x 21cm

Step 4. How deep is the wound?

If the wound requires packing you can use your preferred gauze or foam.
Foam Wound Dressing
Foam-Wound-Dressing Heal The Wound
Antimicrobial Gauze
Antimicrobial-gauze Heal The Wound

VivereX Compatible

Carilex Compatible

VivereX Compatible

Carilex Compatible